Gwen’s Gwen’s Styry main image Story

A child once asked his mother “why does God always take the best people from us.” The mother responded “well when you’re in the garden which flowers do you pick first?” The child responded “the most beautiful ones.”  
Here’s a little insight into what made Gwen a beautiful flower: She was selfless. She would literally do anything for her family. She didn’t have an ego. She rooted for everyone, she wanted people in general to succeed. She did not judge people at all. She hated when people were judged for being different.

In fact, Gwen often preferred the people that were a little different and didn’t believe that normal was a thing. She treated the bell boy the same as a CEO.
She did not require extravagant things, Gwen loved the simple things in life. She counted her blessings. She loved nature, loved animals, really loved dogs. She would have rescued every dog in the world if she could have. Most of all Gwen loved her family. She really didn’t need to do anything vs. didn’t need to be doing anything. Gwen knew how to love the people she loved. She really loved, she went all in.      

Gwen fought cancer on and off for almost 2 years. The first time she went through chemo, partial mastectomy, and radiation. At the end of that long course, she rang the bell and was supposedly cancer free. Six months later she was diagnosed with recurrence and it came back with a vengeance.  It was in her bones and organs and the family was told it was terminal, but they did not know how long she would have to live.
The first question Mike asked the doctor is “can she travel?” The doctor said yes.  She started off doing chemo again in an effort to extend her life as long as possible to be around for the kids and Mike. Unfortunately the chemo made her worse because it is processed through the liver and she had cancer in her liver.   

Cancer eats away at you slowly, both physically and mentally. You slowly see things in your life slip away and you really miss the things that you love doing together.  First, they missed being able to do active things together like taking walks on the beach, hiking, or just walking the dogs together. Then it was they couldn’t do little things that we did together, like just going for a car ride.
Next, she was sleeping a lot, so you couldn’t even have much conversation. Needless to say, they never got to travel again. Here’s the beautiful part to that sad story: We are going to help people going through the same thing travel and make memories together! Cancer takes many different forms and we want to help the people that are able to travel! We can also bring virtual travel and other experiences to those that can’t physically travel. Our mission is to help families facing a cancer diagnosis travel and make memories!